ESR 3: Dynamic Jaw Simulator
Early Stage Researcher: Torkan Gholamalizadeh
Host institution: 3Shape (DK)
Superviser: Kenny Erleben, University of Copenhagen(UCPH, DK)
Clinical expert co-supervisor: Peter Søndergaard, Lead for the Orthodontics Technology Team, 3Shape
Further institution involved: Aarhus University, Section of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry (AU, DK)
3Shape TRIOS is a proven technology for creating 3D reconstructions of the teeth and gums. It provides a static analysis of tooth geometry, such as the distance between opposing teeth that indicates areas of abrasion. Static analysis alone is not sufficient to design effective prostheses as actual forces and the effective space between teeth depend on chewing motions. We will create the world’s first mechanics-aware interactive design tool for dental prostheses by fusing spatial-temporal-adaptive interface-tracking meshing methods with a shape model made from data from a face bow scanner and with individualized teeth motion data from TRIOS. A parallel multigrid contact mechanics solver will allow for real-time performance exploiting conforming mesh interfaces.
Expected Results
Infer a patient specific biomechanical model of a dental patient’s temporomandibular joints. Use the model for the design of dental prostheses with a smaller risk of premature abrasion.
Planned research stays
- 3Shape (9 months): Training in various dental scanners for creating data sets to learn about shape variability. Training in TRIOS scanning software.
- UCPH (3 months): Building shape models of data sets, training in biomarkers.
- 3Shape (3 months): Building software prototype.
- AU (3 months): Vlidation of simulation models.
- 3Shape (2 months): Software integration.
- UCPH (4 months): Quantify accuracy for dentist clinical usage.
- 3Shape (12 months): Complete validation studies and thesis writing.