Network of Career Mentors

The RAINBOW consortium strives towards qualifying young women as independent researchers after the RAINBOW project period. All ESRs will be offered inspiring mentors from outside of their immediate work environment that support them in establishing themselves in the field. The mentors chosen are established female technicians and research leaders in the field: Lene Lillemark, Program Manager at Dental Lab Solutions in 3Shape and Melanie Ganz-Benjaminsen, at UCPH. These mentors make up the RAINBOW Network of Career Mentors, that is to be chaired by Sarah Niebe, part of the RAINBOW Coordinator team and working as visual computinf engineer at Alexandra Institute.

To ensure a more balanced gender representation at the decision-making level, network chair Sarah Niebe is also invited to participate in all Supervisory Board meetings. The mentors . They will be asked to join the Training Assembly, further balancing the decision-making level of RAINBOW.